Ozwater’19 Conference and Exhibition
Between the 7 – 9th May 2019, representatives of Organics were present at Ozwater, one of the foremost exhibitions and conferences on water management and wastewater treatment in the southern hemisphere. This important forum provides companies with the opportunity to display the latest innovations in water treatment together with cutting-edge technology and professional services specifically focused on water and related industry management. It also provides a platform to display the lengths to which public authorities and private businesses go to ensure environmental protection of water resources against potentially contaminating industrial processes.
The exhibition gave Organics a first-rate opportunity to present our experience and bespoke technology to combat water pollution to experts, professionals and interested individuals from all over the world including those representing public asset management companies and public authorities responsible for providing a secure, clean public water service.
The products we presented included technology for treating contaminated wastewater and landfill leachatethat has been successfully employed in large landfill sites in Asia for over 20 years. In particular, we presented technology developed for ensuring that water pollution can be prevented and site license conditions met, especially with regard to high concentrations of ammonia; one of the principal causes of water pollution that affects such industries as waste management and the anaerobic digestion of organic material.
Prior to the exhibition, between the 29th April and the 3rd May, we had the opportunity to present our technology to interested parties in the TAG Roadshow. Presentations were organized in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Wendouree and in each place we gave a talk to and answered questions from engineers and experts who were involved in the treatment of water. Overall the TAG roadshow was great preparation for the Ozwater exhibition and conference. Attendees at TAG spread the word that we were at the exhibition and there is no doubt that traffic at our exhibition booth was increased due to our participation in the roadshow.
During both the exhibition and the TAG roadshow, we met with professional engineers and environmental experts as well as other people who were interested to learn more about water treatment or were keen to pursue a career in environmental engineering.
From Organics’ point of view, the Ozwater exhibition and conference was a great success and we had the opportunity to meet with many people and experts with whom we exchanged views and opinions about the state of the art relating to prevention of water pollution and the treatment of wastewater. It is certainly one that we will be considering attending in the future.